lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


Have you ever visited natural treasures of Tropical Coast?

You cannot lose the opportunity of

-          Visiting our wetlands, as Charca de Suárez, a true birds’ paradise.

-          Swimming in wild beaches as Playa de la Guardia surrounded by sugar canes fields.

-          Diving in La Herradura, where aquatic life  shows its whole splendor

-          Taking a walk through La Contraviesa s and Sierra lujar to enjoy breathtaking landscapes

-          Delighting subtropical fruits as mango, custard apple and avocado.

You can get much more than a tan!

viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011


Without a doubt, I must be masoquist. Due to an unforgivable mistake, I wrote two writings last week. I spent writing the whole saturday afternoon, what actually means a sacrilege to the "dolce far niente" faith that I do profess. So, I decided to upload it here, just for the curious reader, or the very bored reader. Just in case you are this one, you can play finding the many mistakes I've surely made.


The financial and economic crisis is spreading others essential aspects of current society. Everything seems to be shaking. That is the reason why some people think that a true new age is coming. So, we would be living the very beginning of it (In this case, I wouldn’t be able to stifle my distress due to the unforgivable lack of an appropriate name). Anyway, we will have to wait for a long time to know it for sure. However, even if the crisis is only a sign of a whole mutation of society, we mustn’t give up the effort to understand what is happening to some specific (but important) matters, in order to improve, update or defend then. And this is just the democracy case.

Following Gustavo Bueno teachings, we have to make a difference between technical democracy and ideological democracy. The ideological definition of democracy is the government of the people. Technical democracy is a government system in which representatives of political parties are elected by the people, trusting in the coincidence of interests. But the representatives actually are represented for a couple of them, who really make laws and direct domestic and foreign policy. In addition, we would surprise (perhaps, not) if we knew the ignorance of many members of Parliament about their own political programs. So, in this complex and defective machine doesn’t seem to be very connected the people’s power and the government of the countries. Is the ideological democracy corrupted by the technical democracy from the beginning? 

The current economic crisis has let us know, glaringly, how states depend on economic corporations and financial games in this new global capitalism.  In this way, eager governments run to obey Holy Market’s orders, trembling about the threats of the credit rating agencies. Actually, they run as never they did before for a people’s order. And the most amazing thing is the great amount of money given to the banks as a prize for their financial irresponsibility. This money is our taxes money. But, it seems, we depend on the banks, so we cannot let them fall. I mean, our governments cannot let them fall, because we cannot decide anything, indeed. I am talking about  governments, in general, no matter if they are right or left wing, the answer is almost the same. Then, “Who are the masters of all this?-  ask the people in the bus stops – Where do they live?, What are their names?.” Nobody knows it for sure. The answers are blowing in a dark fog. At last, it means that people’s power is not power enough in democratic countries.

As a result of this state of things, a big wave of protests is spreading all over the world. The so called 15M movement or Spanish Revolution (in Spain) is clamming for a real democracy. Nowadays, the distance between the people and his representatives seems to be enormous. People feel swindled and furious watching how they are poorer and the riches get richer. They feel swindled and furious watching how the legitimate receivers of his democratic power are only facing the deal deconstructing the welfare state. At last, people are fed up of this false democracy.

However, even if politics and democratic order have become more and more estranged from people’s problems and wishes, the naked true is that we have no better alternative system of government. So, the answer to this complex situation mustn’t be less democracy but a deeper and best one. The people and his governments must find the way to improve the direct participation and responsibility of ordinary people in politics. Maybe, we should consider Porto Alegre’s model as a possible way.

Finally, it is absolutely necessary the so called capitalism reformation. The root of all the current problems is just this global economy. The financial business, which has neither rules nor borders, has increased corporation’s power all over the world enormously. Governments have nothing to do with this sort of riches revolution, unless they could face it all together. In other words, the only thing which can stop this global coup d’état of economic power is a global political front. Corporations and financial business must be controlled by rules and laws which democratic governments agree to impose all over the world, as they were only a voice of the only People: the human beings.

Now, you are probably thinking that this is other useless utopian dream. But you are forgetting that utopias are the horizon which guides action. When the “pensée unique" claims the death of ideologies, it is trying to avoid utopias. We need utopias and we need dreams. In order to change something, we need a goal. In other case, critic thought is nothing but a bitter, futile nightmare.

lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

7 / Short Poem of Complaint

I am feeling exhausted
as to galleys sentenced.
My mind really collapses
with writings and tenses

Could I cry you a river
for my poor only neuron,
lost in dark confusion,
In this plaintive song?

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011

6 / Everybody Knows

 Everybody knows (live in London, 2008)

Everybody knows the dice are loaded 
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed 
Everybody knows the war is over 
Everybody knows the good guys lost 
Everybody knows the fight was fixed 
The poor stay poor, rich get rich 
That's how it goes, everybody knows 

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking 
Everybody knows that the captain lied 
Everybody have got this broken feeling 
Like their father or their dog just died 
Everybody talking to their pockets 
Everybody want a box of chocolates 
And a long stem rose, everybody knows 

Everybody knows you love me baby 
Everybody knows that you really do 
And everybody knows that you've been faithful 
Give or take a night or two 
Everybody knows that you've been discreet 
But there were so many people you just had to meet 
Without your clothes, everybody knows 

Everybody knows, everybody knows 
That's how it goes, everybody knows 
Everybody knows, everybody knows 
That's how it goes, everybody knows 

Everybody knows that it's now or never 
Everybody knows that it's me or you 
Everybody knows that you live forever 
When you have done a line or two 
Everybody knows the deal is rotten 
Old Black Joe still pickin' cotton 
For your ribbons and bows, everybody knows 

Everybody knows that the Plague is coming 
Everybody knows that it's moving fast 
Everybody knows that your naked man and woman 
Are just a shining artifact of the past 
Everybody knows the scene is dead 
But there's gonna be a meter on your bed 
That will disclose what everybody knows 

Everybody knows you're in trouble 
Everybody knows what you've been through 
>From the bloody cross on top of Calvary 
To the beach of Malibu 
Everybody knows it's coming apart 
Take one last look at this Mighty Heart 
Before it blows and everybody knows 

5 / Money...Money

"Money" - Liza Minnelli, Joel Grey

Money makes the world go around
...the world go around
...the world go around.
Money makes the world go around
It makes the world go 'round.

A mark, a yen, a buck or a pound
...a buck or a pound
...a buck or a pound.
Is all that makes the world go around
That clinking, clanking sound...
Can make the world go 'round

Money money money money
Money money money money
Money money money...

If you happen to rich
And you feel like a night's entertainment
You can pay for a gay escapade.
If you happen to be rich and alone
And you need a companion 
You can ring (ting-a-ling) for the maid.
If you happen to be rich
And you find you are left by your lover,
And you moan and you groan quite a lot
You can take it on the chin,
Call a cab and begin to recover
On your 14-karat yacht! WHAT!?

When you haven't any coal in the stove
And you freeze in the winter
And you curse to the wind at your fate.
When you haven't any shoes on your feet,
Your coat's thin as paper, 
And you look 30 pounds underweight
When you go to get a word of advice 
From the fat little pastor,
He will tell you to love evermore.
But when hunger comes to rap,
rat-a-tat rat-a-tat at the window
*knock knock* (at the window)
Who's there? (hunger) oh, hunger!!
See how love flies out the door...

For, money makes the world go around
...the world go around
...the world go around.
Money makes the world go 'round
The clinking, clanking sound of...
Money money money money 
Money money money money... 
Get a little, get a little
Money money money money...
Mark, a yen, a buck or a pound,

lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


The globalization of capitalism and his "no rules" financial working has led us to the present crisis. In this context, many people seem to awake of the consumist dream. A global movement is spreading step by step. Despite the fact that protests have different purposes in each place, the movement has the same leitmotiv:
“This movement is not guided, it is clearly born as a reaction to injustice and corruption around the world, and therefore it is destined to change the underlying values of the system, not only the rules of it. It is a global movement for true democracy and better human conditions, … reflects a collective idea, a movement without borders or leaders.” (15O website)
Now, the movement begins to give fruits. Many of books, articles and websites has started to explain alternative economical politics and ways of democracy regeneration. At least, it means a revitalization of critic thought, what is absolutely necessary to act in some way.

lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011


Economic power and political and social power have been riding together all along History. Dominant classes in each age have controlled society. So, ancient monarchs kept power aboveboard, legitimized through divine will. When capitalist system started to be mature, burgesses made their own revolutions in order to take off the political power (they had already got economical power enough) from aristocracy´s hands. Capitalist class has no divine legitimization option, so that a complex ideology was developed: the Enlightenment.

In general, it is defined as “an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to mobilize the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in church and state”. But, in fact, Enlightenment principles were used to build and legitimize the new capitalist order.

The age of reason proclaimed equality and freedom for all the human beings. It developed citizenship concept as new way to consider people of every social level. In this way, everyone would have the same rights and duties. It was defined a new state based on reason power, in other words, based on Law. To sum up, the democratic order was being built, or if you want, the constitutional state.

It seems that this new order was going to develop some kind of a middle class, worker class or, in the best dreams, interclass power, but reality was far from that. As everybody knows,  building theories is very different from building things. The fact is that in 19th century, after many comings and goings, things were already very clear: aristocracy and capitalist class had come to an agreement. Obviously, both them had the same (or very close) economic interests. At last, democratic order and citizenship principles were tools to make another unequal, unfair and predatory order. Aristocracy accepted the loss of political power as the lesser harm and they saved the ship.

Apparently, new order was built, as John Locke had suggested, based on separation of powers, individual rights and property respect. Think just a second about what separation of powers really means.  In theory, “the state is divided into branches, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that no one branch has more power than the other branches. The normal division of branches is into an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary.”  In fact, legislature and executive represented only a range of people, which was the people that control the economy. The thing is that, at last, the new order is very close to the ancient order. Who did control the political power? Those who controlled the economical power.

And finally, we have arrived to 20th century. During the First World War, Russia became the USSR. The Marxist parties and trade unions, which were working in Europe and in the USA felt his moment was near. A new order (again) was possible.  Even more, they could count with the help of soviet friends who were eager to export their revolution. This time power should belong to workers, following Marx advice: take the economy, and then the world will be changed (to be polite with Marx, take means of production and relations of production will be changed).

Capitalist class had to admit the participation of reds in political game with democratic fair play in order to avoid revolutionary temptations. Again, dominant class accepted the loss of political power as the lesser harm and they saved the ship. We have to understand this new state of things as a sort of reform of capitalist order which began to make considerable changes in society and political practice: the so called welfare state. A welfare state is a "concept of government in which the state plays a key role in the protection and promotion of the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It is based on the principles of equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth, and public responsibility for those unable to avail themselves of the minimal provisions for a good life.” In other words, school and health services free, social security, retirement pensions and all those nice things we enjoy for the moment. Europe is the paradigm of this model where it seems to be really separate, at least in a portion, economical power from political power, it  does seem to be.

Nowadays, capitalism has suffered another big change. This time, the revolution doesn´t come from social tensions. This time, the own development of the system, plus a great technical invent, the IT, has produced, as a result, the current global capitalism. Furthermore, meanwhile it was being cooking, another important fact has happened. In 1989 Berlin wall fell down and it swept the entire soviet system. Capitalism has no opponent and it become the only economy order in the whole world - There is nothing to be afraid -  said Mr. Fortune.

Well, capitalism rides around the world with no rules or legal control. Financial deals and business play their game in the global monopoly with no restrictions. And, what is more important, a few enterprises control the big piece of the cake of global economy. This is the key to understand the present crisis. This unequal, unfair and predatory order is controlled by financial architects who are interested in making money only.

In this context, we have to conclude that dominant class never lost political power. They only handed over a little in order to avoid a revolutionary threat. Welfare state, could be an illusion, after all. And the crisis is used as a big excuse to destroy it. Perhaps now this Welfare state could be the threat, or perhaps not. In this last case, I am  paranoid and this is another conspiracy theory. 

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

2 / A Tiny Drop of Nectar

  ALICE          Tom Waits      
It's dreamy weather we're on                                          Arithmetic arithmetock        
You waved your crooked wand                                      Turn the hands back on the clock          
Along an icy pond with a frozen moon                            How does the ocean rock the boat?       
A murder of silhouette crows I saw                                How did the razor find my throat?          
And the tears on my face                                               The only strings that hold me here   
And the skates on the pond                                           Are tangled up around the pier                                              
They spell Alice                                                                  
                                                                                         And so a secret kiss
I disappear in your name                                                
 Brings madness with the bliss                                            
But you must wait for me                                                 And I will think of this  
Somewhere across the sea                                            When I'm dead in my grave  
There's a wreck of a ship                                                Set me adrift and I'm lost over there       
Your hair is like meadow grass on the tide                      And I must be insane    
And the raindrops on my window                                    To go skating on your name  
And the ice in my drink                                                     And by tracing it twice    
Baby all I can think of is Alice                                           I fell through the ice 
                                                                                           Of Alice
  There's only Alice